Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Dr Sean Cheng
MBBS(UQ), BE(Hons 1 UQ), MMed(USyd), FRANZCO
Vitreoretinal Fellowships (Bristol Eye Hospital UK; Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital UK)

Dr Sean Cheng is a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon with subspecialty expertise in medical and surgical diseases of the retina, as well as complex cataract surgery.

About Dr Sean Cheng
Dr Sean Cheng is a Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon specialising in medical and surgical diseases of the retina - such as retinal detachment, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, retinal vascular disease, and diabetic eye disease, as well as complex cataracts. He also provides a comprehensive eye care service - including cataracts, general ophthalmology and ocular trauma.
Dr Cheng grew up and was educated in Brisbane, Queensland. Dr Cheng was awarded First Class Honours in Engineering by the University of Queensland (UQ) prior to commencing medical training also at UQ. Dr Cheng completed specialist ophthalmology training in Queensland. He subsequently undertook two more years of cornea, cataract, oculoplastics and general ophthalmology training as the Senior Registrar at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital.
Furthermore, Dr Cheng was awarded the Topham scholarship and travelled to the United Kingdom to complete two additional years of surgical sub-specialisation through a Vitreoretinal Fellowship under the auspices of Professor Andrew Dick and Dr Richard Haynes at the prestigious Bristol Eye Hospital and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Dr Cheng now works as a Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon covering both tertiary referral hospitals - the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital and the Princess Alexandra Hospital with Queensland Health. He is a Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland School of Medicine and a guest lecturer at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) School of Optometry and Vision Science. Dr Cheng is dedicated to training the next generation of doctors, eye surgeons and ophthalmic allied health professionals in Queensland.

Qualification & Education
- Vitreoretinal fellowship training, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, United Kingdom (2016)
- Vitreoretinal fellowship training, Bristol Eye Hospital, United Kingdom (2017, 2018)
- Topham scholarship, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)
- Master of Medicine (Ophthalmic Science), University of Sydney (USyd), Australia
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), University of Queensland (UQ), Australia
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours 1) (Electrical), University of Queensland (UQ), Australia
Professional Affiliations
- Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)
- Member of the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)
- Member of the Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (ASO)
- Member of the Australian Medical Association (AMA)
- Senior lecturer at University of Queensland (UQ) – School of Medicine
- Guest lecturer at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) –
School of Optometry and Vision Science
- Matthew P, Cheng S, Sharma A, Moloney T. Retinal vein occlusion following COVID-19 vaccination. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. Vol 50, issue 4, p459-461.
- Cheng S, Seo S. Unveiling the diabetic eye disease epidemic. Optometry Connection. P38-41.
- Moloney TP, Ghaznawi M, Cheng S, Apel A. Rare case of Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the conjunctiva. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar; 43(2):191-2.
- Cheng S, Vu P. Pott’s Puffy Tumor in a Premature Neonate: Youngest Case Reported in Post-Antibiotic Era. Orbit.
- Cheng S, Vu P. Recurrent Orbital Myositis with Radiological Feature mimicking Thyroid Eye Disease in a patient with Crohn’s Disease. Orbit.
- Kwan ASL, Chirila TV, and Cheng S. In: Chapter 15: Development of tissue-engineered membranes for the culture and transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial cells. Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [ISBN: 978-1-84569-443-2]
- Kwan A, Cheng S, Barnard Z, Zainuddin, Harkin D, and Chirila T. Development of retinal pigment epithelial cell culture on Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) membrane for retinal transplantation. Clin Exp Ophthalmol

- 2022
- The future Directions in Ophthalmology 2022 Conference
- Beovu audit
- QLD Health Metro-South Hui conference
- Inspired conference
- Specsavers Conference
- Australian Vision Convention
- 2021
- The Specsavers Clinical Conference SCC Live Series
- Optometry Connection
- 2019
- AONA Conference
Clinical Audits/RANZCO annual conference poster presentations
- 2022 Scleral fixated intraocular lenses in Brisbane's Metro North and Metro South Health Services: A three-year
Review – RANZCO 2022 53rd Annual Scientific Congress– Australian Vision Research recommended abstract - 2022 Gore-Tex suture complications: A case series – RANZCO 2022 53rd Annual Scientific Congress – Australian Vision Research recommended abstract
- 2022 Comparison of outcomes of the dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex) for diabetic macular oedema, retinal vein occlusion, and non-infectious posterior uveitis - RANZCO 2022 53rd Annual Scientific Congress
- 2022 Surgical repair of acute and chronic retinal detachments and visual outcomes: A single tertiary centre 12-months review – RANZCO
- 2022 Virtual 52nd Annual Scientific Congress
- 2022 Australian And New Zealand Society of Retinal Specialists Retinal Surgery Registry – Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital departmental retinal detachment clinical audit
- 2022 Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital annual cataract audit
- 2019 ARIA Diabetic macular oedema audit
- 2018 Retro-pupillary iris clip lens audit, Bristol Eye Hospital, University Hospitals Bristol NHS foundation trust, UK
- 2017 Uveitis referral pattern audit, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS foundation trust, UK
- 2017 Anterior chamber intraocular lens for aphakic correction audit, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS foundation trust, UK
- 2011 Triage clinic throughput, department of ophthalmology, Princess Alexandra Hospital. Audit aimed to identify principal referral diagnoses & subsequent patient management pathways to facilitate measures to improve clinic efficiency in management of undifferentiated new case referrals.
- 2009 – 10 Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) audit, department of ophthalmology, Mater Hospital
Conditions & Symptoms
Retinal detachment
Retinal tear (Flashes and floaters)
Retinal vein occlusion
Vitreous haemorrhage
Ocular trauma
Epiretinal membrane
Complex cataract
Diabetic eye disease
Macular degeneration
Macular hole

Queensland Eye &
Retina Specialists
Ground Floor
Boundary Court
55 Little Edward St
Spring Hill QLD
Ph: 07 3555 5960
Fx: 07 3555 5961
After Hours Eye Emergency (Retinal detachment, Retinal tear, Vitreous haemorrhage) available
8am to 8pm everyday 07 3555 5960

Royal Brisbane &
Women’s Hospital
Cnr Butterfield Rd and
Bowen Bridge Rd
Herston QLD 4029
Ph: 07 3646 8111